About Us.

Who We Are

Stutes Clean Water Project is a USA based 501(c)3 non profit charitable organization founded in 2021 focused on improving drinking water quality and sanitation in rural communities of Uganda, Africa.

Our Mission

With our environmentally friendly ceramic technology filtration machines, we aim to provide safe drinking water solutions to needy communities. We also support self-sustainability and education programs in rural communities.

Our Vision

To empower communities to achieve good health, self sustainability and a better education. Our objectives include but are not limited to a more inclusive community, community development, better health, advocacy and skills development.

61% percent of Ugandans have no access to clean safe water and improved sanitation.

In 2017 Tony and Sandy Stutes started a program to help a Ugandan village improve their living conditions through education, sustainability, agriculture and improve drinking water quality. This program matured to become self sufficient and from there, the Stutes Clean Water Project was formed.

Water and sanitation are essential for life and health, but they are also essential for dignity, empowerment and prosperity. Water and sanitation are human rights, fundamental to every child and adult. But in Uganda, poor sanitation and hygiene, as well as unequal access to safe drinking water, makes thousands of children very sick and at risk of death.

Dysentery alone, one of three major childhood killers in Uganda, kills 33 children every day.

In most cases, children get the disease by drinking unsafe water or coming into contact with contaminated hands — theirs or their parents or caregivers — that have not been washed with soap.

Our Mission

With our environmentally friendly ceramic technology filtration machines, we aim to provide safe drinking water solutions to needy communities. We also support self-sustainability and education programs in rural communities.

Our Vision

To empower communities to achieve good health, self sustainability and a better education. Our objectives include but are not limited to a more inclusive community, community development, better health, advocacy and skills development.

We are committed to improving Water Hygiene and Sanitation

And many families living in rural areas spend more than 30 minutes walking to collect the water their families need, taking time away from work and school.

Access to improved water and sanitation facilities does not, on its own, necessarily lead to improved health. It needs another step: there is now very clear evidence showing the importance of hygienic behaviour — especially hand washing with soap after defecating and before eating or preparing food — to improve health.

Clean water and soap must be readily available for people to improve their hygienic habits.

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Water Filtration Machines Distributed
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Schools, Worship Centers
Health Centres & Communtiy Projects Covered
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Estimated People
Students in School Fees Program

Meet Our Partners.

Official partners